These are some selections of species iris. Some of these are ancestors of modern bearded iris. Others are species that were grown for their own merits in gardens since 1600 or earlier.
Iris aphylla H-7 18" Violet-blue standards; falls heavily veined purple, white haft lines; beard light yellow.....$10.00
Iris pallidia Dalmatica 38" A violet species with isrong grape scent. Found in a botanical garden. .....$10.00.
Iris variegata 19' A collected bearde species used in many modern hybrids ..... $10.00.
Iris tectorum 17' A crested iris also called Japanese roof iris. Not hardy in agricultural zone 4, but can be grown as a potted iris indoors .....Not Available 2024.
Iris variegata reginae 20' A white bearded flower w/blue-vlt striped...... $10.00.
Silver Zebra. An iris pallida with silver sreaked foliage . Strong grape scent...... $10.00.