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Miniature Tall Bearded
Charming and dainty with thin graceful stems and small, delicate flowers. MDB's are often called Table Iris, referring to their popular use as cut flowers and in flower arrangments. 16-25" tall. Blooms start mid to late May. Top award is the  Williamson-White Medal (WW).


Dizzy Dzncer

Dizzy Dancer (Elizabeth Rieniets, R. 2017) 20" (51 cm), M. Standards yellow, fine dotting and splotches of black cherry, ¾˝ solid yellow edge; style arms yellow, large; Falls white, faint black cherry dotting and stitching in center to more prominent inside of ³⁄₈˝ yellow rim; beards pumpkin-orange in throat, yellow-ochre in middle, yellow ends; slight sweet and spicy fragrance........................Sold Out ......$10.00.. .


Eramosa  Freckles

ERAMOSA FRECKLES (Chapman 2007 )M 21" Violet speckles on yellow Standards & white Falls; yellow rim on Falls; yellow beard..............not available 2024.


Hot News

HOT NEWS (S Markham 2009) 24" M S. brick red; style arms gold at sides, brick red center and at ends; F. wine red, gold at hafts, blue flash under gold beards; slight fragrance. HM 2011..................Not available 2024..


In My Veins

IN MY VEINS(Bunnell 2009) 18-20" ML S. antique brass ground speckled and veined maroon; style arms antique brass, slight maroon midrib; F. white ground, intermittent veining, gold edge; beards yellow tipped white. HM 2012..............Not available 2024.


Just Dolly

JUST DOLLY (Chuck chapman 2021) E 23" A lavender blue self with bronze-yellow beard. Puts out many stalks in a stunning clump. Very vigorous..................$9.00
