The Legend of the Iris
The Iris was named for the Goddess of the rainbow because of it's many colours.
God put the rainbow in the heavens as a covenant that never again would the Earth by destroyed by flood.
Chapman Iris
Canada's oldest Iris farm (33 years)
Canada's Largest iris farm
Canada's largest selection of iris
USA orders will be availale this year
Website in process of being updated for 2024
Hold off ordering until updates done
A lot of problems with loss of plants over wintr has delayed knowing what is available for sales this year
Order form is downloadable from 'Ordering Information ' page.
Welcome to the Chapman Iris web site!
Chuck is a well-known breeder/grower/hybridizer of various varieties of Iris, and his gardens are located near Guelph, in beautiful southern Ontario, Canada.
We have tried to make it easy for you to find your way around the site. All main categories are listed above, and each Main Page for a category links to the others. Within each category you can look by alphabet if you are looking for something special, or browse through everything in the category by just clicking on 'next' at the bottom of each page.
We hope you enjoy your visit!
To contact us:
Chapman Iris
, 8790 Wellington Road 124, Guelph. Ontario N1H 6H7 Canada
(519) 856-0956 I'll be out in garden most of time. But you can try.
Send a message to : best option, as I will see it when I come in from garen
If you are leaving a message, say your name slowly and clearly, and if leaving a number say it very slowly and clearly. Phone does not record your number
Best is to send e-mail to